
2022 is now here!

Looking back, I’m grateful for all of last year and everyone in my life who shared it with me.

Writing wise, I came closer to finishing my book, and I got a short story and a couple of poems published. I’m getting closer to being able to publish a chap book of poetry and a short story collection!

For comedy, I know I coproduced 24 shows and produced another 12. I shared the stage with so many talented people who I admire. I was able to do comedy in Chicago, Las Vegas, and NOLA. I had so much fun making others laugh.

For photography, I was able to get some new lenses, and I got some great shots. I captured so many people, events, headshots, and nature shots! But my favorite one was taking a picture of a Grizzly Bear in Montana.

I had ups and downs. Lost friends and gained friends. Taught so many students and classes! I spent a lot of time reading books that my friend’s published! Got to travel and also had trips canceled. The Covid times are a mixed bag.

Looking forward, I have so many creative projects I’m excited about, and I’m going to go on some amazing trips this year. I can’t wait to get back in the classroom and teach my greatest passion–writing! I’m so grateful for the communities, friends, and family in my life who love and support me.

Happy New Year!

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